I think you will agree with me we have all had it with COVID-19 as it surely has worn out it’s welcome in my life as well as yours. Omicron is the latest variant which has caused a significant spike in infections; however, the intensity of the impact is not as severe as once envisioned.   Still, the weather is colder and we are now indoors more which means the risk for indoor spread has risen.  Hence, we need to take the precautions that I refer to as the “3 V” actions to protect ourselves, our friends, and family – Vaccinate, Ventilate, and Visit Safely.

Vaccinate – COVID-19 vaccines are one of the most effective defenses we have to combat this virus.  They are widely available and free.  If you have not been vaccinated, please consider it and talk to your health professional if you have any questions.  If you have not gotten your booster – get it!

Ventilate – My mom used to yell at me for keeping the window open in the winter – not anymore!  Even just a 1-2 inch opening can make a difference as the fresh air exchanges help with minimizing the presence of the virus and also helps with relative humidity, which plays a critical role in the environment for the virus to survive.

Visit Safely – If you are sick -Please stay home!  Cannot get any simpler than that.  Your friends and family will love you even more for thinking about them in your absence.  If you have been in contact with someone and have some home tests, make sure to use them, especially if in contact with a potential exposure.

There you have it – the 3 Vs.  We need to get through these winter months safely and if we stick with these principles, our chances are much improved!